A 13D is a required form for an investor or group controlling 5% or more of a company stock. A 13D filing is often used by an activist investor and includes numerous disclosures including the activist investor's "Purpose of Transaction." In some cases the 13D includes the activist investor's letters to management or the Board and/or a call to action. 13Ds are not only reserved for activist investors. Non-activist investors may also file a 13D, although these so-called passive investors more often file the shorter form 13G.
This page tracks and reports on important 13D filings from activist investors in real-time. Upgrade to StreetInsider.com Premium to view all these market moving 13D reports and to receive e-mail/mobile alerts when new 13D news hits.
This page tracks and reports on important 13D filings from activist investors in real-time. Upgrade to StreetInsider.com Premium to view all these market moving 13D reports and to receive e-mail/mobile alerts when new 13D news hits.
Frontier Communications (FYBR) picks up another activist, but this one is friendly
MEI Pharma (MEIP) adopts limited-duration stockholder rights plan following Anson and Cable Car's 13D
IPA (IPA) Responds to 13D Filing by Ingalls & Snyder
Dan Loeb is no longer exploring acquisition of SiriusPoint (SPNT) - Filing
IronNet (IRNT) Shareholder C5 Offers to Acquire All Outstanding Common Stock
Carl Icahn Confirms 8.5% Stake in Crown Holdings (CCK)
F45 Training Holdings Inc. (FXLV) Receives $4 Per Share Proposal from Kennedy Lewis Management
3,396 total articles have been posted to this category.
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