
The EU's farm to fork strategy: An assessment from the perspective of agricultural economics

April 4, 2022 9:02 AM EDT

MILWAUKEE (PRWEB) April 04, 2022

The war in the Ukraine underlines the importance of food production for food security. EU policy makers have to be aware about the implications of the farm-to-fork strategy for food security. According to the European Commission "The Farm-to-Fork Strategy is at the heart of the European Green Deal aiming to make food systems fair, healthy, and environmentally-friendly"

In the new article "The EU's farm to fork strategy: An assessment from the perspective of agricultural economics" published in AEPP, Justus Wesseler from Wageningen University dives deeper into the implications of the EU farm-to-fork strategy for sustainable development.

Wesseler says, "The quantitative assessment of benefits and costs by previous studies indicates that the farm-to-fork strategy will reduce welfare within the EU. This will fuel consumer price inflation at EU and international level. Additional policy changes are necessary for translating the farm-to-fork strategy into a welfare increasing policy strategy."

If you are interested in setting up an interview, please contact Allison Ware in the AAEA Business Office.

ABOUT AAEA: Established in 1910, the Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA) is the leading professional association for agricultural and applied economists, with 2,500 members in more than 60 countries. Members of the AAEA work in academic or government institutions as well as in industry and not-for-profit organizations, and engage in a variety of research, teaching, and outreach activities in the areas of agriculture, the environment, food, health, and international development. The AAEA publishes two journals, the American Journal of Agricultural Economics and Applied Economic Perspectives & Policy, as well as the online magazine Choices and the online open access publication series Applied Economics Teaching Resources. To learn more, visit

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